Cricket fans can get ready for a new avatar of Shikhar Dhawan! The batsman dons the host's hat with his chat show, Dhawan Karenge, premiering on JioCinema Premium. The show promises candid conversations and fun segments with prominent guests like Akshay Kumar, Harbhajan Singh, and Taapsee Pannu. While Akshay Kumar is known for keeping his family life private, he made a special exception on Dhawan's show. He revealed his son Aarav's career aspirations, surprising many who expected him to follow in his father's footsteps.
The conversation unfolded towards Aarav's desire to pursue a career in fashion. Akshay Kumar even admitted his initial hesitation about Aarav leaving home at 15 to study abroad. “My son Aarav is studying at the university in London,” Akshay shared. “He left home at the age of 15. He was always fond of studying and wanted to stay alone. It was his decision to move even though I didn't want him to go. However, I couldn't stop him because I left my home at the age of 14.”
Akshay expressed immense pride in Aarav's grounded nature. He described him as someone who tackles household chores independently. “He does his own laundry, he is a good cook, does the utensils and doesn't even want to buy expensive clothes,” Akshay revealed. “In fact, he goes to a second-hand store, Thrifty, to buy clothes because he doesn't believe in wastage.”
“We never forced him to do anything; he is interested in fashion, he doesn't want to be a part of cinema,” Akshay explained. “He came to me and said that I don't want to do films. I said this is your life, do what you want to do.”
Akshay even acknowledged the contrast between Aarav and his sister Nitara, who shares a fondness for clothes. “I am happy the way Twinkle and I have brought up Aarav; he is a very simple boy,” Akshay said. “My daughter, on the other hand, likes clothes.”
Shikhar Dhawan's Dhawan Karenge promises to unveil more such personal stories and lighthearted moments with celebrities. While fans might not get to see Aarav on the big screen, his journey in the world of fashion is definitely something to watch out for. The show premiered on May 20, offering a glimpse into the lives of our favourite stars and the dreams of the next generation. ALSO READ: Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2 to CLASH with Akshay Kumar’s Sarfira and John Abraham’s Vedaa
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