Ever since Saira Banu made her official account on Instagram, her anecdotes have been dedicated to her late husband, actor Dilip Kumar. She shares memories from her early work days, their relationship, his work and relationships in the industry. On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan on Wednesday, the former actress shared pictures of him and his Rakhi sister, late Lata Mangeshkar.
Sharing a series of photos and a video, Saira Banu wrote, “The Kohinoor of Indian Cinema Dilip Sahib and the nightingale of the Music Industry of India Lata Mangeshkar held a connection beyond the dazzle of their stupendous stardom. They shared the bond of a brother and sister. In those golden quiet bygone days this legendary two-some found it comfortable to travel from their homes to their work spots in local trains which are also known as the life-line of this marvellous city Mumbai. It was during this travelling time that they shared their thoughts, experiences, and sought each other’s advice. It was at one such journey that Sahib guided Lataji on how much the heart of Urdu lies in its flawless pronunciation and how something as simple as a Nukta adds a beautiful addition to words. Sahib emphasised that one must own the spoken languages with mastery. Lataji, an obedient sister in every sense, worked upon his advice and sought an Urdu tutor’s assistance. Since then, the world bore witness to her flawless pronunciation in her songs.”
She added, “Despite being busy with work or travel or any personal commitments, they both would find a way to meet each other on Rakshabandhan and Lataji would tie the sacred Rakhi on Sahib’s hand. To my delight they both unfailingly followed this ritual year after year and I in return to this beautiful gesture sent her a brocade sari to her taste each time!”
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She continued, “Dilip Sahib bestowed upon her the honour of being introduced at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London where the echoes of the first Indian concert resounded. With utmost simplicity, he called her on the stage , implicit charm. “Ye meri choti si behen bohat mukhtasar si, main inhein introduce karne aaya hoon”. The audience roared with appreciation. Thousands of long playing records were made and sold to the public of this same function. Many years later he introduced her again similarly at the London Palladium.”
“This bond of brother and sister remained until the very end, in sickness and in health. She often came to our home to visit Sahib and they ate lunch or dinner together. The very last time that she came here she lovingly fed him with her own hands and they made such a loving picture together. Such was the love they shared…monumental,” Saira Banu concluded her post. ALSO READ: Saira Banu fondly reflects on her memorable collaboration with Dilip Kumar in Gopi; says, “I have been madly in love with Sahib since I was a twelve-year-old girl”
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