Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu were recently seen shooting together in the pretty locations of Sonmarg and Pulwama in Kashmir as they have been wrapping up the final schedule of Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. Fans in the valley were seen going gaga over the superstar’s presence and took to social media to share several glimpses from the behind-the-scenes of the film. They also clicked selfies and photos with the superstar during the shoot schedule. Now a similar situation turned a tad bit chaotic when Khan arrived at Srinagar airport, on Friday.
Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu seems to have wrapped up their Kashmir schedule of Dunki and were recently spotted at Srinagar airport. After they arrived at the location on Friday, to board a flight, the situation turned chaotic as fans crowded around the superstar to click selfies and photos with him. A video of SRK getting mobbed at the airport, despite tight security, has found its way online on social media.
SRK fan frenzy at Srinagar Airport ????#ShahRukhKhan???? #SRK???? #Dunki #Jawan — SRK's Vasim (@iamvasimt) April 28, 2023
Readers would recall that Shah Rukh Khan has a massive fan following in the state which was quite visible when the superstar received a warm welcome when he arrived in the valley earlier this week. The team shot in Sonmarg and later also, in Pulwama, photos and videos of which went viral on social media.
Coming to Dunki, the film is based on the concept of ‘donkey-flight’ where people take the back route by changing multiple transport modes and countries to reach the destination they want when their visa is rejected. The film brings together Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu for the first time and also marks the first collaboration of the superstar with acclaimed filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani. The film is slated to release on December 22, 2023.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu shoot in Kashmir for Dunki; video goes viral
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