It seems that, in a rare moment of sorts, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Karan Johar, and Mira Kapoor were seen attending the same event which was Sports Day at their children’s school. Going by the social media posts shared by them, it seems that Karan, Saif and Mira also participated at parents’ events that were planned on the special day.
In a series of posts shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan, we can see the actress rooting for her eldest born Taimur Ali Khan who was participating in the race. Spotted in the race, was also Karan Johar’s son Yash. Not too long ago, Kareena and Saif were seen showcasing their love for each other as they kissed amidst paparazzi before leaving for the event. The actress also shared another post of Saif Ali Khan participating in a fathers’ event.
On the other hand, yet another social media lover, Mira Rajput aka Mira Kapoor was seen sharing several posts from the Sports Day event. It seems that the celebrity wife was present at the event to cheer for her kids, Misha and Zain Kapoor. In one of the photos shared by her, Mira was standing on the first position with a certificate in hand, indicating her win, as she captioned it saying, “#mamacitas”. Yet another photo shared by her had Karan Johar showcasing his pride as he flaunted the certificate of his daughter Roohi.
Readers would be aware that Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have two sons, Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan. While Taimur is currently studying, Jeh is still a toddler. On the other hand, Karan Johar welcomed his twins Yash and Roohi via surrogacy in 2017. Shahid Kapoor has two kids with wife Mira Kapoor, namely Misha Kapoor and Zain Kapoor.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan share a sweet kiss but Taimur Ali Khan steals the show
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