A year after the release of her directorial debut, Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi, actress Kangana Ranaut inaugurated her new production house Manikarnika Films at Pali Hill in Mumbai in 2020. Now, two years after the inauguration, the actress-turned-director launched the official logo of her production banner. Sharing the same with her fans, Ranaut took to her verified social media handle and posted a video on her feed on Thursday.
The video features an animated sight of Ram Mandir, and a tiger roaring. An impression of a roaring tiger in the backdrop of Ram Mandir is now Manikarnika Films' official logo. Instagramming the announcement video, the Queen actress wrote, “Here’s the official logo of Manikarnika films,” followed by a camera emoticon.
As soon as the Tanu Weds Manu actress posted the video, her fans flooded the comments section with wishes and congratulatory messages. “It's going to be the biggest production of India,” wrote a fan club while another user added, “She is celebrating the roots of India in her every perspective.” Meanwhile, some of her friends from the entertainment industry also congratulated her including Shreyas Talpade and Neil Nitin Mukesh.
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For the unversed, as mentioned above, on January 15, 2020, Kangana along with her sister Rangoli held a puja ceremony to start her production banner. Coming to the professional front, the 35-year-old actress is currently shooting for the last schedule of her film, Emergency, in Mumbai.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut begins filming last schedule of Emergency in Mumbai; shares a pic from the set
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