Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma has been busy with the shooting schedule of her next release, Chakda Xpress. This marks her first project since the release of Aanand L Rai’s Zero. The actress will transform into the role of cricketer Jhulan Goswami. Now, the actress has wrapped the upcoming cricket biopic.
In a couple of photos shared by the actress on Instagram on Monday, Anushka Sharma was dressed in the uniform and donning the short bob hairdo. She cut the cake post-wrap along with director Prosit Roy and cricketer Jhulan Goswami. She captioned the post, "It’s a wrap on #ChakdaXpress and thank you @JhulanGoswami for the final clap to bring an end to the shoot!"
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Anushka Sharma returns to the movies after three years (given the pandemic and her maternity break) to headline Chakda Express. The Netflix film, which is tracing the glorious journey of one of the fastest female pacers in the history of world cricket, Jhulan, will showcase how the pacer moves up the ladder despite countless hindrances to fulfil her only dream: to play cricket. The official logline reads, “Tracing the glorious journey of one of the fastest female pacers in the history of world cricket, Jhulan Goswami, as she moves up the ladder despite the countless hindrances posed by misogynistic politics to fulfil her only dream: to play cricket.”
Jhulan went on to captain the Indian women’s national cricket team and is a role model for aspiring cricketers in the country. In 2018, an Indian postage stamp was issued in her honour. Jhulan holds the world record for the highest number of wickets taken by a woman in an international career.
Directed by Prosit Roy, Chakda Xpress is being produced by Clean Slate Filmz.
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