Shah Rukh Khan has resumed work after his son Aryan Khan was granted bail in a cruise ship drugs bust case. Almost two months since his bail, the actor has returned to the sets of Yash Raj Studios in Mumbai to shoot his cameo in Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer Tiger 3. The actor, who makes his return to the big screen with YRF's Pathan, will be kicking off a 12-day schedule for his special appearance bringing the spy universe of YRF together.
According to a report in a daily, Shah Rukh Khan will be joined by Salman Khan soon join at some point for combination scenes shoot for Tiger 3. After the actor wraps his cameo in the 12-day schedule at YRF Studios, he will fly out of India for an international leg of Pathan, to shoot a romantic song with Pathan's leading lady Deepika Padukone. The foreign schedule of Pathan will also require him to shoot some action scenes.
Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham were expected to fly to Spain for the much-talked-about song, and later, director Siddharth Anand would be shooting some crucial sequences. Due to Aryan Khan's arrest, SRK's foreign schedule had been postponed. As the actor has now resumed work, the plan is to gear up to bring back his action-packed avatar to the big screen again.
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