Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau in the Mumbai cruise drugs case. After the arrest, a clip from an old interview is surfacing on the social media where Shah Rukh Khan can be seen saying that his son ‘can do drugs.’
The NCB had recovered illegal drugs in the latest raid on a cruise ship where Aryan Khan was present. The officials said that the star kid has been placed under arrest on the basis of evidence gathered against him during the investigation.
Following the incident, an old interview of Shah Rukh Khan from the show Rendezvous with Simi Garewal started doing the rounds on social media. In the interview, Simi Garewal says to Shah Rukh Khan saying, "I'm sure you're going to spoil your son." He joked and said, "No, not at all I've just told him when he is three or 4 years old he can run after girls, smoke as much as he wants, he can do drugs, he can have sex, he can womanize."
Besides Aryan Khan, two others - Munmun Dhamecha and Arbaaz Merchant - have also been arrested. They have been booked under sections 8 (c), 20 (b), 27 and 35 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan gets support from Pooja Bhatt and Suchitra Krishnamoorthi amid Aryan Khan’s arrest
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