Actor Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara have started shooting for Tamil film director Atlee’s Pan-India film in Pune. As per reports, the makers have planned a 10-day schedule in the city post which they will move to the film city in Mumbai. The film is reportedly being made on a grand budget.
According to reports, South star Priyamani will also play a pivotal role in the film and will be joining SRK and Nayanthara in the Pune schedule. Khan will be seen playing a double role in the film while Nayanthara is the female lede. The yet-untitled film is being planned as a massive Pan-India outing with actors from the North and South joining hands.
The film will be shot over a period of 6 to 7 months at multiple locations. It also stars Sanya Malhotra and Sunil Grover and according to some reports Rana Daggubati will be seen essaying a negative role in the film.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan will fly to Europe in October for the last leg of the film Pathan with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. He also has a film with Rajkumar Hirani in the pipeline for which he will start shooting next year.
ALSO READ: It has been 5 years (1825 days) since Shah Rukh Khan announced a new film…and the wait CONTINUES
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