Veteran actor Dilip Kumar, known as one of the finest stars in Indian cinema, passed away after a prolonged illness. The actor breathed his last on July 7, 2021. Tributes have been pouring in from all quarters as friends, fans, family, the Indian film industry, celebrities, and politicians are mourning the loss of the actor who died at age 98.
Salman Khan, who knew the actor closely, shared a photo on his social media paying tribute to the film icon. He wrote, "Best actor Indian cinema has ever seen and will ever see … #RIP Dilip Saab."
Best actor indian cinema has ever seen and will ever see … #RIP Dilip Saab
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 7, 2021
Dilip Kumar was battling advanced-stage prostate cancer and his treatment was ongoing for the past 3-4 months. Cancer had spread to the other organs of the body.
Dubbed as the tragedy king in Indian cinema for his phenomenal performances, Dilip Kumar, born as Mohammed Yusuf Khan, acted in over 65 films in his legendary career. Kumar made his acting debut in 1944 with Jwar Bhata. Three years after, the 1947 drama Jugnu opposite Noor Jehan, was the first major hit for Kumar. He was part of the movies like Daag (1954), Devdas (1955), Azaad (1956), Naya Daur (1957), Mughal-e-Azam (1960), Ganga Jamuna (1961), Ram Aur Shyam (1967), Dastaan (1972), Kranti (1981), and Karma (1986). He was last seen in Qila in 1998.
ALSO READ: Madhur Bhandarkar pays last respects to late Dilip Kumar
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