After dating for a period of three months, Nick Jonas popped the big question to Priyanka Chopra Jonas and the couple tied the knot in Jaipur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace. The wedding was no less than a royal wedding with people coming across from all over the world considering that they are internationally recognized celebrities. Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas had a traditional Indian wedding along with a white wedding and it became the talk of the town.
Taking to her Instagram, to mark two years of their wedding, Priyanka Chopra Jonas posted a few unseen pictures from her wedding day in India and they are surely going to give you a wedding fever. Looking as ethereal as ever in a red Sabyasachi lehenga, Priyanka Chopra Jonas looked like the quintessential bride. She posted the pictures with the caption, “2 years down... forever to go ♾♥️ @nickjonas”. From their post-wedding photoshoot to where they're seen doing to garlands' tradition, these unseen pictures are too aesthetic to miss. Take a look at them, right here.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Jonas recalls the moment she was crowned as Miss World, 20 years ago
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