Karishma Tanna, who made her Bollywood debut in the year 2005, recently featured in her first-ever dance number, titled ‘Basanti’, in the upcoming film Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari along with Manoj Bajpayee.
Shot in the 90s style with satirical lyrics, the song has been praised for Karishma’s energetic dancing and expressions and Manoj Bajpayee’s funny acting and dance. Speaking of working with the legendary Manoj Bajpayee in her first-ever dance number in Bollywood, Karishma said,
“I consider it my honor and blessing to share screen space, even if it’s just for a dance number, with the multi-talented Manoj sir. It was an outstanding experience of working with him, better than what I imagined it to be. There is so much to learn from him, he is so full of talent, it's unbelievable. The reasons I did the song were, one for the melody of the song and two, for Manoj sir.”
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