On Wednesday, the popular Bollywood film Andaz Apna Apna starring Salman Khan and Aamir Khan completed 26 years of release. The Assam Police took to their Twitter handle to mark the occasion but with a twist.
They shared a poster in which the lead characters of the film Amar and Prem are seen wearing a mask. They also changed the name of the film in the poster to Mask Apna Apna. The police were sending across the message of the importance of wearing a mask during this pandemic.
And that's not all. They gave a twist to the popular dialogue “Do Dost ek pyale mein chai piyenge, iss dosti badti hai” from the film. They changed the dialogue to "Do dost Mask pehan kar ghar se bahar niklenge, isse safety badti hai!"
Take a look:
Do dost Mask pehan kar ghar se bahar niklenge, isse safety badti hai! ????#26YearsOfAndazApnaApna#Unite2FightCorona#JanAndolan pic.twitter.com/uBDgg7Qq01
— Assam Police (@assampolice) November 4, 2020
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