Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut recently made some controversial remarks about the film industry in an interview with a national news channel. During the interview she spoke about nepotism, favouritism, Sushant Singh Rajput's demise, 'Bollywood mafia', treatment of outsiders and other things that are wrong in the world of entertainment. She also called out names of filmmakers and actors.
After the interview, several celebrities took to their social media handle to express their honest views on the remarks made by the actress. Actor Nakuul Mehta who was not in full agreement with the Queen actress's views took to Twitter to share his opinion. In a series of tweets, Mehta put out his views on topics that Kangana spoke about. He pointed out how the actress was making use of someone's unfortunate demise to make it all about herself.
“The talent of making everything about oneself' can be a legit category at every Bollywood award,” he tweeted. “Is making someone's passing away your hashtag considered normal in 2020?,” he wrote in another tweet.
'The talent of making everything about oneself' can be a legit category at every Bollywood award.
— Nakuul Mehta (@NakuulMehta) July 19, 2020
Kangana also termed actors like Swara Bhaskar and Taapsee Pannu as B-Grade actors. Talking about the same, Nakuul tweeted, “How do we categorise artists as A / B / C grade? Basis their monetary worth or largesse of imagination/depth of work/ sincerity to craft?.” “Can one legitimately enjoy someone's artistic work whilst being in disagreement with their larger moral ground?” he added.
How do we categorise artists as A / B / C grade? Basis their monetary worth or largesse of imagination/depth of work/ sincerity to craft?
— Nakuul Mehta (@NakuulMehta) July 19, 2020
ALSO READ: “Share with no expectations,” says Nakuul Mehta as he pens his thoughts on the journey of an artist
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