It is a well-known fact that Arjun Kapoor is an actor with a golden heart. Arjun came across an inspiring post from a frontline warrior doctor, Vanni Dutta, who is battling coronavirus and got really overwhelmed reading about her focus, dedication, and passion despite knowing that she was putting herself at risk! Arjun picked up his phone and wished her on her birthday and made it super special!
Arjun says in the video, “I was overwhelmed, I was affected, I was emotional, and I felt very small in comparison to the work that you are doing right now. I also read that it was your birthday and you couldn't celebrate it properly, so I thought I will do something small. I will wish you a very happy belated birthday.”
Arjun adds, “You are out there saving lives you are being the best doctor you can be and you are an amazing citizen for this country to look up too. Thank you, we have have been out there and we have clapped for all of you'll but i just thought I will personally connect with you and say keep up the amazing work. I love your spirit and we are safe because of people like you.”
Arjun was replying to Vanni’s story in which she said that she has been constantly battling with the fear that she will be infected by Coronavirus. She maintained that she became a doctor to save lives and she is motivated to continue doing that despite putting her life at risk. Take a look at both their posts.
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